
Libra Compatibility area

Libra Love Life Information

LIBRA goes best with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Tap a potentual mate's sign below to see details.

Created by your Astrologer Michael Thiessen!

Taurus with Aries Aries
A great combination for the two people of Mars and Venus! The very passionate and loving Libra person will make a fine home for the fiery impetuous Aries personality. This is a really good match! More information on the left.
Taurus with Taurus Taurus
Both of these signs are ruled by the planet Venus, represented by the love goddess so it should shine on these two with its warming rays of love! When they get into fights though it can be really bad. More info on the left.
Taurus with Gemini Gemini
A truly fantastic astrological match up, these two can make it for the long haul in marriage and friendship. Libra being the judge, Gemini being the responsive jury, they really can't go wrong. More information on the left.
Taurus with Cancer Cancer
Cancer cannot really consider themselves to be temperamentally well suited to deal with the Libra, who is extremely freedom loving. Ruled by the moon and Venus respectively, they can meet common ground. More information on the left.
Taurus with Leo Leo
The bold and strong Leo may prove to be a bit too much for the sensitive nature of Libra, but sometimes this can be a good thing. More info on the left.
Taurus with Virgo Virgo
This is yet another combination that will find it hard to get along together in the long haul. They can make it true, as long as they both work really hard at the relationship. Don't write them off just yet. More info on the left.
Taurus with Libra Libra
This is the best match for Libra, another Libra! They will get along incredibly well together and other people may even become jealous seeing how well they get along. This matchup rarely ever fails or goes wrong. More info on the left.
Taurus with Scorpio Scorpio
There is a great deal of magnetism between these two signs. Scorpio might be a bit more dominant than Libra, but they tend to get along just fine regardless of that. These two tend to have a strong sexual attraction, which is what initially brings them together. Find out more on the left.
Taurus with SagittariusSagittarius
The way Sagittarius people view life may be a bit too much for the free and easy Libra to deal with. Much effort will need to be made for both people to get along really well. Find out more on the left.
Taurus with CapricornCapricorn
The virtuous Libra and the dominating Scorpio will find a bit of trouble staying together for the duration. However it's not all bad, as long as Libra keeps Scorpios pride in check. More information on the left.
Taurus with AquariusAquarius
This can be a very good sign matchup, because Libra loves excitement and Sagittarius people love to dish it out. They tend to look like a good match in social situations. Find out more on the left.
Taurus with Gemini Pisces
Even though these may seem to be opposite on the surface of things, they actually tend to get along really well. Libra might find Capricorn a bit too boring, but if they communicate things will work out. Find out more on the left.

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