Aquarius Compatibility area

Aquarius Love Life Information

AQUARIUS goes best with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.

Tap a potentual mate's sign below to see details.

Taurus with Aries Aries
This could quite possibly be a very good relationship but the things that it will require are a constructive attitude on both of their parts, and an understanding of their natures. More info on the left.
Taurus with Taurus Taurus
Taurus people who have conservative habits will soon get on the nerves of the dynamic Aquarius, this will lead to trouble. Not the best match up in a world but with a lot of effort and a little bit of luck sparks can fly. More info on the left.
Taurus with Gemini Gemini
Geminis tend to like surprises, and Aquarians are really good at giving them! You'll find these two get along really well, and can last a long term relationship. More info on the left.
Taurus with Cancer Cancer
Aquarius people have a need to be independent and they often appear detached when they're in a close relationship and so much more so when the relationship is with Cancer. More information on the left.
Taurus with Leo Leo
They have a mutual understanding of each other especially when it comes to intimate matters and are attuned to each other's needs and desires. A very good match. More information on the left.
Taurus with Virgo Virgo
Aquarius people can be really full of surprises and be quite spontaneous, and Virgo people have a hard time dealing with that. However with work and understanding and caring on both parts this can work out. More info on the left.
Taurus with Libra Libra
One of your better combinations in the zodiac. The only problem they might have down the road is one of communication. Both of them need to be better communicators with one another. More info on the left.
Taurus with Scorpio Scorpio
When the two of these get together and usually ends up in divorce or some kind of nastiness. On the rare occasions they can get along, but they usually aren't that good of a match. More info on the left.
Taurus with SagittariusSagittarius
This is another good match, a really great match most of the time. Sagittarius readily understands the moods and swings of Aquarius and they tend to appear to have some sort of psychic bond with one another. More info on the left.
Taurus with CapricornCapricorn
Extremely confident Capricorn may prove to be a bit too much for the nimble Aquarius, who is always striving to make the world a better place. Not the best matchup in the world, but it can work. More info on the left.
Taurus with AquariusAquarius
This is also a good match for Aquarius, another Aquarian! Many of the early missionaries in America were Aquarian couples, and they stayed together for a lifetime, most of them anyway. More info on the left.
Taurus with Gemini Pisces
This relationship will take a lot of work on both of those parts, that is not necessarily a bad hookup. Though it may be difficult for them to stay together, it will be in both of theirs best interest to give it all they have. More info on the left.

Created by your Astrologer Michael Thiessen!

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