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Daily Horoscopes

All The Zodiac Signs

Brought to you by Astrology Online
Updated Daily since 1996!

Horoscopes for Saturday 02/22/2025

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Aries Information
Aries - March 21 - April 20
Do not expect too much from others. Maybe it's time to look into ways you can improve your health. Those who have been too demanding should be put in their place or out to pasture.

Created by your Astrologer Michael Thiessen!

Taurus Information
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
This will be a great night to invite friend over to visit. Keep your mind on your work and stay away from situations that could ruin your reputation. Don't make promises.

Gemini Information
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
You are best not to nag or criticize. Be careful not to get roped into uncertain joint financial deals. You can enjoy your involvement in organizations that make charitable contributions.

Cancer Information
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Don't let others restrict you from saying how you feel about family issues. Watch your tendency to live for the day and to spend too much on entertainment and children; it could set you back. You may come down with minor infections if you have allowed yourself to get rundown.

Leo Information
Leo - July 23 -August 22
Try to spend some time on your own. You can get ahead if you play your cards right. This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence.

Virgo Information
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Sudden trips may take you by surprise; try to include your mate, mixing business with pleasure. Don't let situations get out of control. This is a great day to beautify your living quarters or to entertain at home.

Libra Information
Libra - September 23 - October 22
A romantic dinner, followed by a quiet evening with the one who is enticing you, should be most satisfying. Family trips or projects should be on your mind. If you take on too much, you will find yourself in martyrdom.

scorpio Information
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You can make new friends by taking part in social events involving colleagues. You can take advantage of opportunities if you are quick to make a move. You may have a problem dealing with elders.

Sagittarius Information
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
Responsibilities with respect to older relatives may be a burden. You should be able to tie up loose ends today. You are best to be accommodating for the time being. Sudden romantic infatuations won't be lasting.

Capricorn Information
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
You can make new connections through friends or relatives. You need to get out and challenge yourself. Avoid scandals of any sort.

Aquarius Information
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Don't let friends or relatives rule your life. Move forward if you want to turn your life around. You must not allow them to force you to rush.

Pisces Information
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Tone down and put some of that hard earned cash into a safe, long-term investment. Make changes to your living quarters that will please the whole family. Opportunities will unfold; however, you must be willing to pay the price.

Your Daily Horoscopes On One Page For speed and convenience, here are all the daily horoscopes on one page. I update them at 4pm CST daily, so check back every day. You may have to refresh your browser if the date is wrong. Also, since these are posted daily, sometimes we might be a little late, or a little early, depending on when I finish them. Don't worry, I have been doing this on the web since 1996, so you can count on us.

Thank You! It has been my pleasure to write your daily horosocopes! I know there are literally thousands of you out there looking at these horoscopes daily. As you obviously know, this site requires NO subscription, NO login, and asks for NO personal information. There are no fees for using this site, and if you have your own blog or website, or even social media accounts, you are free to link, post, upload, share, whatever you want with these horoscopes. In fact, as long as Astrology Online gets credit for it, I greatly encourage it! So please share us as much as you can!

Michael Thiessen Your Astrologer

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